What Does It Mean to Have Sole Legal and Physical Custody

Brette`s answer: Any custody agreement can be changed, but you`ll usually have to prove a change in circumstances — a reason why it needs to be changed unless you appeal and the superior court overturns the order. Brette`s response: Ask for the custody order to be enforced if it still means the child is living with you. If you have modified it to reflect the situation, submit a change based on the circumstances. Lori`s question: How can I prove to the court that sole custody is in the best interests of my 16-year-old son without the court thinking I`m a mischievous ex? Her father has never been involved in her life, is addicted to alcohol, pornography and drugs. He does not participate in our son`s education, sports, etc. He has 5 DUIs, (crimes) and has never sought the legal help he needed. I caught him with drugs and porn around our son. I feel that my son is at a very crucial age and that he can affect him negatively. Is this information sufficient to obtain sole custody? If so, how can I address this sensitive issue in the petition (and do I need to provide details)? It is intended for situations where a parent is clearly more likely to make informed decisions. If both parents are available and able to make reasonable decisions, it is unlikely that the court will grant sole custody.

Darlene`s question: My husband and I have separated and I want sole custody of our daughter. He is in the army and has only seen her four times since birth. I want him to see his daughter, but he doesn`t have much parenting experience. Will the courts rule in my favour? Click on the first category: Guard. Then select the button that gives sole custody to the right parent. The law states that judges must give custody according to what is in the “best interests of the child”. Can I get full custody if I suspect he is taking drugs? The factors that the court considers in determining whether sole custody of each situation is correct include: Brette`s response: This is the kind of situation where an excellent sole custody case can be presented. Work with your lawyer to make sure you present the best possible case. Melissa`s question: My ex just asked for sole custody. But he`s been living in different states for four years and hasn`t even spoken to our 6-year-old daughter in 3.5 years. Can he get sole custody of my daughter? Megan`s question: I have sole custody of the children, but every time I make an appointment with the doctor he doesn`t like, he fights against me for it. Can it stop me from making health decisions for my son? Vanessa`s question: My 6-year-old son claims that his father is emotionally violent towards him when he is with his father.

What are the chances that I will get sole custody if I apply? Can I get sole custody so I can control the tour schedule? Jennifer`s question: My daughter is 8 years old and doesn`t know who her biological father is. She has always known my current husband as a father since the age of 2. Now she will need surgery and I have been told that I must have my ex`s permission or sole custody of my daughter. Her biological father now wants to visit her and she doesn`t even know him. I told her that he had to give me time to explain things to her without tearing her up completely because it would be very difficult for her to understand. She is a very tender child and it would crush her world to tell her that her “dad” is not really her father. Do you think a judge would give me sole custody? Question from Robin: My ex and I currently have joint custody. Can I get full custody if my ex`s wife abuses our 7-year-old boy? Custody refers to the person with whom the child lives after parental separation, and legal custody refers to the ability/right to make important decisions about the child. Sole (or primary) custody means that the child lives with the parent in question most of the time. Sole custody means having the exclusive right to make important decisions about the child. You have to accept the idea that he and your child deserve a relationship, and you have to get to a point where you`re willing to allow it.

This man was good enough to make a baby, so he`s probably good enough to spend time with the baby. Can I get sole custody if he does not meet the court`s requirements? Adriana`s question: Is there a way for me to have full custody of my son if I breastfeed? The father keeps telling me that he has the same rights as me and that the baby will have half the time no matter what. .