National Taiwan University

1966 – 1970
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1966 — 1970 Taipei, Taiwan

National Taiwan University

After graduating from Taipei First Girls High School, Yen-Sheng enrolled at National Taiwan University (NTU) in the Department of Agricultural Chemistry, her first choice track after passing the college entrance exam. She elected to major in nutritional sciences during her senior year, and earned her B.S. in Agricultural Chemistry in June 1970. Outside of class work, Yen-Sheng attended English conversation lessons at a church across the street from campus. Students at the university kept an active calendar, planning boating and BBQ trips on the regular with their peers. Yen-Sheng was well-liked and would remain close friends with many of her college classmates for the rest of her life. It was also at NTU that she met Agricultural Chemistry classmate Chen-Pei Tu with whom, after repeated invitations, she agreed to go out. Their first date was to a screening of the movie, “Oliver Twist”, based on the Charles Dickens classic. They would later marry after both had relocated to the United States.



Year Milestones

B.S. in Agricultural Chemistry from National Taiwan University

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