

The family stopped by McDonald's for lunch on Christmas in 2015 after a leisurely stroll at nearby Tudek Park

Taking a break from the traditional Chinese cuisine and going out to eat at McDonald’s on the weekends is one of my favorite childhood memories. When I was at Radio Park Elementary School, mom would sometimes volunteer her time out of work and come during lunch as a parent chaperone. This was always a highlight for me– instead of the usual healthy packed lunch of a one-inch thick turkey breast sandwich, cherry tomatoes and baby carrots, she would bring me McDonald’s as a special treat. She would also buy a large pack of French fries for all of my fellow classmates to share at each table. This always put a huge smile on my face! It made me feel like the coolest kid in the class and hands-down having the coolest mom. During the empty nest years, we would still continue our family excursions to McDonald’s, even as recently as Christmas Day 2015, and mom loved getting the Artisan Grilled Chicken Sandwich.